Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Top 10 Carrie Underwood Songs

Anyone who knows me, knows I love Carrie Underwood. No, love isn't strong enough. I would fall to me knees sobbing hysterically, pledging my undying love and fealty to this woman if I ever met her. Scary? A little. But I don't give a shit because she's the best. So, in honor of my adoration, I have compiled a list of my 10 favorite Carrie songs. This was one of the hardest lists I've ever had to make, but I did it and I'm happy with it. Enjoy!

10. "Songs Like This"
Album: Play On
Out of all of Carrie's "man hater" song, I think this one is my favorite. It's sort of a culmination of all of their main ideas, and I think the beat is catchy and fun.

9. "Inside Your Heaven"
Album: Some Hearts
The reason this song is on my top 10 is because it was the moment I knew she was going to be a superstar. When she sang this on idol, I just knew there'd be no stopping her. It was perfect, her vocals were amazing, and she was just so great. It was the moment I knew I loved her.

8. "The Night Before (Life Goes On)"
Album: Some Hearts
This song is so sweet. It was my most played song when the album first came out, and it never got old. I still love it just as much today as I did then. Sweet song with a sweet message about love and growing up.

7. "I Just Can't Live A Lie"
Album: Some Hearts
This song. Gosh I've always loved it. I'm a sucker for unstoppable, dysfunctional, slightly unhealthy love. And her voice is so passionate and emotional, it really gets to you. Love this one.

6. "Someday When I Stop Loving You"
Album: Play On
I cried the first time I heard this song. The lyrics are so devastatingly sad and poignant. Her performance is flawless and I think its one of her more beautiful songs.

5. "I Told You So"
Album: Carnival Ride
How many artists can say that they did a cover of a classic song that was better than the original? Randy travis himself told Carrie that the song was always meant to be sung by her. It fits her voice perfectly and she adds so much emotion to the lyrics.

4. "Look At Me"
Album: Play On
I love the lyrics to this song. It's so so romantic and now that she's engaged to her little hockey hunk, I think you can really feel her emotions pouring out through the song. Just beautiful.

3. "What Can I Say (feat. Sons of Sylvia)"
Album: Play On
One of her strongest performances vocally. This collaboration with Sons of Sylvia showed that she could do crossover, although I'm not sure that was ever in question. As if the lyrics weren't affecting enough, Carrie's vocals will send chills down your spine. Phenomenal.

2. "Wasted"
Album: Some Hearts
This was the first song on her first cd. I remember sitting at my computer and putting the cd in, SO excited to hear it. This song came on and by the end of it, I was crying. I don't know how to explain it, but I was just so proud of her. Its a great song with a fantastic melody and inspiring lyrics. It was my favorite for a long, long time.

1. "I Know You Won't"
Album: Carnival Ride
This song still gives me chills. By far her strongest performance vocally, it blows me away every time I hear it. The amazing part is that its even better live in concert. I was sobbing when we saw her live and she sang this. Its the ultimate exhibition of her talents. The lyrics are amazingly powerful, and she infuses so much emotion into her voice, while at the same time staying completely in tune. Its raw and polished, all at the same time. My absolute favorite Carrie Underwood song.

Of course, all of Carrie's songs are fantastic! I hope this inspired those who don't really listen to her music, or are turned off because she's country artist, to go and listen to more of her stuff. She truly is one of the most talented artists around.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Epic Power Couple = Epic First Kiss

Everyone knows that there's a huge variety of relationships on television, each one with different defining characteristics and similarities. One of my personal favorites is, surprise surprise, the power couple. This is a relationship that is often volatile, all consuming, and ultimately fated. It's not necessarily in the hands of those in the relationship to decide whether or not they're going to be together. When it comes down to it, they can't not be with one another. The power couple has a lot of defining characteristics but one I've noticed is that every power couple has an epic first kiss. It's amazing, passionate, surprising, and its this kiss that ignites the relationship, makes the two see that they're meant to be together. Here's a list of some of my favorite power couples and their epic first kisses.

~Barney and Robin~
How I Met Your Mother
I loved this episode already and then it ended with this amazing kiss that began BRo love. Barney and Robin are pretty much perfect for each other and this epic kiss sent them across the line from friendship into something more, and made Barney realize that he was in love with Robin.

~Logan and Veronica~
Veronica Mars
I still haven't finished watching all 3 seasons of Veronica Mars BUT I've loved these two since the moment Veronica kissed Logan just....because. I love this kiss because she just sort of does it, completely overwhelmed with some seriously conflicting emotions. And he simply gets it, and kisses her back. Amazing.

~Brandon and Kelly~
Beverly Hills, 90210
Vicki and I just started watching BH 90210, but it's pretty apparent to us that the writers are pushing Brandon and Kelly as the power couple of this show. Their first kiss at the prom was so epic and it seems to have already set the stage for their relationship, even though it doesn't exist yet. In fact, they might be the strongest example simply because we don't know exactly where this relationship is going to led, but the amazingness of this kiss has already made us fans of them.

~Tim and Lyla~
Friday Night Lights
This scene was so emotionally charged. He was grappling with his guilt about Jason's accident, she was dealing with the loss of her dream future, and all these emotions and feelings exploded in both of them and led to one of the most epic power couples of all time. Honestly, I don't think it gets much better than these two.

~Kate and Sawyer~
While it can be argued that Kate and Sawyer are not meant to be, it cannot be argued that this is one of the hottest, most electrified kisses ever on television. Whether or not they want to, something inside of them speaks to the other, and they're connected forever. This kiss didn't really start that connection, it only gave it a way to express itself.

~Blair and Chuck~
Gossip Girl
This could arguably be called the kiss heard round the world. I mean come on, it got it's own promotional campaign! This moment changed not only these characters, but the path of the entire television show, irrevocably. Once viewers saw the perfection that is chuckandblair, there was no going back and this kiss is what began it. Completely outrageous, scandalous, shocking, and beyond hot it tied these two together permanently.

~Ross and Rachel~
Ross and Rachel. Rachel and Ross. The definition of fated lovers. This is probably one of the most amazing, passionate, romantic, wonderful first kisses ever. It sealed the deal for these two and 10 seasons later, they finally, FINALLY got back together and stayed together. One of my all time favorite moments.