Tuesday, June 30, 2009
they might actually pull this off...
SO I just read that Eclipse will be shooting in Vancouver from August 17-October 31. After filming wraps, clearly they'll be starting the insane media push for New Moon, which is in theaters November 20. Ya know, I was skeptical, but they might actually be able to do this. By giving Eclipse a different director than New Moon, the Eclipse team can do pre-production and production while New Moon is being edited and prepped. Then while New Moon is in theaters, Eclipse is in the editing room, and ready for its June 30, 2010 release. It's kind of brilliant actually. I'm very impressed. The only other question is how does Breaking Dawn fit into all of this?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Gossip Girl's 3rd season started filming today and can I just say that the hiatus has been fucking good to the fabulous four. Holy crap, they all look so hot!
I mean seriously. Ed looks like season 1 Chuck, but hotter, Leight is tan and gorgeous, plus how fucking cute is that dress, Blake is stunning, as usual, and Chace is, I mean dang. They all look sooo good and I am so excited for more from the 3rd season! I have a feeling its going to be the best yet.
What? Prove it, you say? Ok! Behold, Chuck and Blair: Holding Hands.
Oh. My. God. I'm dead.
AMAZING!!! I'm so happy.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pam & Eric
Here's a screen cap of my two favorite vampires from last Sunday's aMAZing episode of True Blood! Eric is Pam's maker and they have the best relationship on the show. It's hilarious and kind of heartfelt all at the same time. They're great.

Bahaha I love Pam's face. So hilarious. And so Pam. And Eric just looks bored, as usual. Just wait till this Sunday Eric, Sookie's about to make things a lot more interesting.
Seriously, if you don't watch TB, START. I don't know a single person who's watched at least one episode and doesn't love it. It's awesome.
Stay Strong Leighton!
I love Leighton and I'm so sad for her and all this crap she's going through with a supposed sex tape. First they're not even sure it's her, then pictures release that pretty much confirm its her, then its not showing up anywhere so they're saying its a fake, now they're saying she might have released it herself as a publicity stunt! If its real, I hope she kills the fucker who leaked it. If its fake, everyone had better leave her alone cause she didn't put herself through this as a publicity stunt! Poor girl. She'll be okay because she has crazy fans like me who love her. Stay strong Leight!

Idol S8 contestants ROCK
HOLY CRAP THESE VIDEOS ARE SO CUTE. Season 8 of Idol is officially the coolest season ever. Check these guys out!! I fucking love all of them.
Anoop interviews Matt
lmfao allison, omg, so funny. "Hey, I'm talking to you loser!" bahaha
Matt interviews Anoop
hahaha "he's a lone wolf! AWOO!"
Kris interviews Allison
lmao woa allison, calm down girl. you are so 16. haha
Allison interviews Kris
Awww, he is so cute with her! i love how he teases her. "oh, hey p diddy." haha
Kris interviews Adam
They are super adorable together. holy crow. i love that they're besties.
Adam interviews Kris
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Codes of Conduct When a Vampire's Hostage
When you're being held captive by vampires in a super creepy dungeon, there are certain codes of conduct. Lafayette is smart. He knows the codes of conduct. Royce was not. He ignored the codes of conduct. Lets all learn from Royce's mistake.
This is Lafayette. He's a survivor.
This is Royce. He's an idiot.
This is Eric, their captor. He's a 1000 year old viking. Don't let the hair foil and beauty cape fool you, like it did Royce.
This is the proper reaction to Eric.
This is not.
Because when you shove a silver cross into Eric's face, he gets really mad.
And when Eric gets mad, he does this.
Yes. That's Royce's arm no longer attached to his body. Bad news Royce.
So you see? When you're being held by a 1000 year old viking, don't be like Royce. Royce is dumb and he became Eric's dinner.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New Moon Book Cover
Here's the new movie inspired cover for New Moon:

All I can say is OMFG. Now, everyone knows how I feel about Jacob and Bella. Not cool. But even I have to admit, this cover is pretty fucking hot and they look really good together. That being said, Edward and Bella forever. Lol thoughts on the new movie inspired cover of New Moon? How do we feel about them changing the covers period?
Personally, I'm not big on it. The covers for this series mean something and it kind of bugs me that Hollywood comes in makes it all fancy. Don't get me wrong, I love these covers. They're awesome. But they're not the real book covers. I don't know. Thoughts?
The Vampire Diaries New Ads
Check out these AWESOME banners for the new show The Vampire Diaries coming to the CW this fall!! AAren't they sooo cool?!? I love the red one.
I can definitely vouch for this show. I read the book series and it was pretty good. It kept my interest for 4 books, which granted is not hard to do, but I liked the basic plot a lot and I think it will make a really fun tv show. Plus, Ian Somerhalder is soo fine and PERFECT for Damon, the badass vampire brother.
From left to right: Ian Somerhalder as Damon, Nina Dobrev as Elena, and Paul Wesley as Stefan.
Lady Gaga
This will be the first of a few blog posts today! First up, how awesome is this video? Lady Gaga is such a skank and I usually hate her, but this song is sick and this video is both crazy sexy and really creative. Love it. And I swear, Alex Skarskard at the beginning only has a little bit to do with how much I love it! Lol
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Who I'm a stan for
There are a few artists that I am borderline obsessed with, that I would be considered a stan for (stalker+fan=stan). I will watch any movie they make, buy any cd they release. I defend them to everyone, even if they're wrong, and cheer for them when they win award after award.
Keith Urban
This guy is so amazingly talented. I have all of his cd's, I've seen him live, and I'm always furious when he doesn't win Entertainer of the Year at the CMA's! What more can he do?! I love that he writes all of his own music. His fans feel so connected to him because he shows them his soul on every cd. Check out his song "Thank You" from his recent cd if you don't believe me. He's not too bad to look at either!
Kate Winslet

I fell in love with her in Titanic and I've been a huge fan ever since. She's smart, funny, beautiful, and amazingly talented. I almost cried when she won her first well deserved Oscar this year. She's comfortable in her body and is an inspiration to all women. And she seems so normal! Love love love her. You should see Little Children if you haven't already, she's brilliant in it.
Leighton Meester

Leighton is my newest obsession but she's hit pretty strong. Beautiful, smart, sassy, down to earth, and an amazingly talented singer/actress. When I first found out she sang, I was skeptical, since a lot of celebrities think they can sing but can't. Turns out she is not one of those people! She's really good and I can't wait for her album to drop early 2010! She's also a very talented actress and I'm excited to watch her career grow.
Carrie Underwood
Anyone who knows me knows how much I worship this girl. She's beautiful and genuine and her talent is overwhelming. Her new cd "Play On" is amazing, maybe her best. She is an awesome role model for girls everywhere and I love that she seems to have grown into a responsible, lovely woman. She's pretty awesome.

Beyonce's talent is beyond words. She's a ridiculously skilled singer, dancer, actress, performer, etc. She's married to one of the biggest names in hip-hop. She's a workaholic and a perfectionist, always striving to be bigger and better. She's humble and grateful to her fans. She's stunningly beautiful, both inside and out. She's a classy, genuine person with a big heart. She seems to be on top of the world right now and that's exactly where I want her.
Wow, well, this post is Alex's fangirlyness at its worst/best. Hahaha whatever, enjoy!
Top 10 Beyonce Music Videos
I haven't blogged in sooooo long! Shameful! I'm terribly sorry! To make up for it, here's a fun post, pure entertainment, cause that's what Beyonce is. She is purely entertainment, insanely talented and fun to watch. Here are my 10 favorite music videos, in no particular order cause I love them all too much!
Monday, June 15, 2009
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